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Additional Learning Needs

The Welsh Government has passed new legislation, called the Additional Learning Needs (Wales) Act, and Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code, which will replace all of the legislation and guidance about special educational needs. 

As part of the Additional Learning Needs Educational Tribunal (ALNET) (Wales) Act 2018 the Welsh Government has replaced the term ‘special educational needs’ (SEN) with ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN). 


ALN will cover those who: 

- have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age 

- have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream maintained school or Further Education Institution. 

There are four main areas of ALN: 

Cognition and Learning 

Sensory and Physical 

Communication Interaction 

Social, Emotional and Mental Health. 

If you believe your child has ALN or is struggling in school please speak to your child's teacher or the School ALNco (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator) Miss Bale. 

We will listen to your concerns and gather all the information we need to decide if your child has ALN. This may include assessments, observations and/or referrals to specialist teams. 

Within 7 weeks: 

If your child does not have ALN but still needs extra support we will create a school support plan with you. 

 If your child does have ALN we will create an IDP - an individual development plan with you via a meeting called a PCP meeting- or a person centred practice meeting. 

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 What if we don't agree? 

If the school does not agree that your child has ALN, or you are dissatisfied with your child’s IDP, discuss it with the school or local authority. 

 If the local authority agrees with the school but you are still unhappy, they can point you to independent advocacy services. 

All children and young people and their parents or carers have the right to appeal against decisions to the Education Tribunal of Wales (ETW). 

A booklet is available to you in order to explain the new legislation, and how this will change the way that schools will work with you to identify and support your child’s needs. 

Guidance Booklet for parents /carers  

More information and useful videos can be found on the Vale of Glamorgan ALN page here:  


If your child has ALN and is already known to the school we will work with you to produce an IDP to be in place by July 2022.

Please see below for more information and useful resources.

The Index for Children and Young People with Disabilities or Additional Needs

The Index is for families who have children age 0-18 years, who have a disability or additional need and live in the Vale of Glamorgan.



It’s a way of us keeping families informed about what’s available locally and nationally.

You’ll receive a newsletter every three months, packed full with information about events, activities, playschemes and services, as well as regular ebulletins.


Sign up is free and completely voluntary and you don’t need to have a diagnosed disability.

There is more information on our web pages, as well as a quick video and an online registration form.


The Index for Children and Young People with Disabilities or Additional Needs

Additional Resources

 Do you have concerns about your child's mental health?

Useful guidance and information can be found here:

More Documents:

 Supporting Children with Neurological Conditions

 Holos ALN Parent Resource

The Index for Children and Young People with Disabilities or Additional Needs provides up to date information about services, events and activities for you and your child.


The inclusion service for help within education.

If you require any help or advice we highly recommend getting in touch with:


Families First Advice Line

Information, advice and assistance for parents, carers and professionals in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Children, young people and their families sometimes need a little extra help. 


The Families First Advice Line is the first point of contact for parents, carers and professionals who have, or are working with children age 0-18 residing in the Vale of Glamorgan.


The Families First Advisors offer a personal service with an aim of listening to and assessing the strengths and needs of each family. We offer information and advice to support families in resolving their difficulties independently and assist them in accessing other services to support them further if required. 


Families First Advice Line will aim to: 

  • Listen to you and offer choices on how to meet your family’s needs  

  • Support you in accessing the right help at the right time  


If we are unable to answer your questions or resolve your concerns we will make every effort to identify a service that can. 

  • Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 4.30pm

  • 0800 0327322

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